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Additional services

As you understand skin design and assembling is complex and labour-intensive work. So if you are pressed for time we offer ready-to-use skin set professionally elaborated and assembled by our designers. Choose a skin you like in SkinGallery and adjust it to your application by means of SkinCrafter methods. Thus you can omit first and second phases of skinning process simultaneously skipping to the third – program code integration.

Follow this way to avoid skin design, skin assembling and consequently not to read the manual. Your rescue is to order the skin set you need to use. You should fill the proposed form or contact us via e-mail and provide us with necessary information, describing the work to be done and we start to design a new skin. Price varies depending on the number of skins ordered, complexity of the skins and integration of special features to be performed.

 It shows four different skins used to achieve different looks for the same application. The process of skinning allows you to quickly design and brand your application's interface.

      But if you choose the way of professional skinning we offer well-paid method of skin design. We represent a good opportunity for designers and artists to make money with their drawing skills. Just create the skins like shown above for SkinCrafter control and we will help you to get a profit or gain a prestige by distributing them.


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