Having all the GUI components skinned we conclude our skinning tour with the last essential opportunity of SkinBuilder CopyRight Info.
Completed skin can be provided with author information. This functionality is available when you click Copyright Info button that is presented on Toolbar .The same result can be reached in case you select Tools->CopyRight Info menu command.
In appeared "Skin CopyRight Info" dialog you are enabled to input skin name, author name, the date of last update, author's E-mail, which is generally meant for customers to be able to contact.
You can also input copyright info, company name, URL, version and skin description. Thus when you fill all the fields you deliberately accomplish the work aimed at skin creation process.
Hopefully this tutorial significantly helped you to understand basics of skinning. So far you decided to continue application skinning you can face some difficulties.
If there is something we've forgotten to explain feel free to contact us via e-mail You can also ask questions at our Forum.
Enjoy! We hope you find this manual useful.