Menu |
Our skin is supposed to be uncompleted without Menu skinning. You create your own custom skin for Menu component by modifying attributes in "Properties pane" ofSkinBuilder application. Modifying properties you should ensure that changes are displayed properly in Preview area and there is no need to reassign them.
If the changes you adjust were not shown you should click Refresh button on Toolbar or to ensure that the appropriate checkbox in "Default Controls" is checked. Note:
As there are too many attributes corresponding to Normal state let’s skin it for instance being guided by the following steps: Import pre-created images in "Item Image", "Separator Image", "Submenu Arrow", "Menu Borders" attribute fields by clicking "Browse" button (). In appeared "Select File" windows show the paths to your images. "Border Color" attribute can be modified in case you don’t customize "Menu Borders" property. It means that you enable to assign an image in "Menu Borders" property or to choose a color for menu borders.