Welcome to the SkinBuilder application, a reliable ever-useful tool that brings simplicity
and convenience to smooth and good-looking interface design. SkinBuilder complies with requirements of experienced
user interface designers as well as allows beginners to master graphic design basics.
![The “Welcome” window automatically appears
when you launch SkinBuilder](image/introduction.jpg)
SkinBuilder is a FREE application included in the SkinCrafter Install Package.
In case you'd like to install only SkinBuilder, it is available for separate downloading (without SkinCrafter library) from HERE.
Getting SkinBuilder installed users obtain comprehensive environment for creating maximally customized interface to
organize the most convenient way for work. Skin assembling becomes possible due to traditional methods and tools that are widely spread in
Information Technology industry and successfully get an opportunity to create your own brand.
This manual reviews additional features implemented in SkinBuilder representing enhanced functionality such as support for
semi-transparency (Alpha-channel), color adjustment (Hue, Saturation, Lightness and Opacity), image handling through clipboard as well as margins support.
There is also an ability to customize controls` appearance using "Custom control" pane and insert binary user data.
Related topics:
Color Adjustment
Clipboard access
Custom controls
User data |