CBuilder skins. Get nice results with skinned CBuilder applications.
Dear C Builder professional,
We know how expensive is the time now, that’s why we offer you to try our skin engine.
SkinCrafter will save you the long hours you would spend on customizing the Standard user interface.
All Standard Controls and window’s frames will be just turned into a nice design with just several lines of code.
Add SkinCrafter component into the references of your project, initialize SC skin engine and you see the great result performed over your software.
CBuilder skins
Application->Initialize(); IID IID_ISCSkin3 = {0×7235966D,0×13A0,0×4C2B, {0xAA,0×81,0xE8,0×6C,0xE0,0×61,0×88,0xB3}}; CLSID CLSID_SCSkin3 = {0×4A1AD3DC,0xC299,0×4481, {0×9E,0×79,0×8A,0×65,0×10,0×78,0×2F,0×03}}; CoInitialize(NULL); ISCSkin3* pUnk; pUnk = NULL; CoCreateInstance(CLSID_SCSkin3,NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER,IID_ISCSkin3, (void**)&pUnk); TCOMISCSkin3 SkinOb(pUnk); SkinOb.InitLicenKeys(L”SKINCRAFTER”,L”SKINCRAFTER.COM”, L”support@skincrafter.com”,L”DEMOSKINCRAFTERLICENCE”); SkinOb.DefineLanguage(3); SkinOb.InitDecoration(1); SkinOb.LoadSkinFromFile(L”Stylish.skf”); SkinOb.ApplySkin(); Application->CreateForm(__classid(TForm1), &Form1); Application->Run(); SkinOb.DeInitDecoration();
In case, for some unexplained reason you are still having a problem with CBuilder project skinning, please, take advantage of the services offered by our dedicated team. Our guys will help you solve your problem in the shortest time possible.