Skinning engine for C++, C#, Visual Basic Applications custom GUI
- SkinCrafter is a skinning library with full support for Win 32 platform programming languages and languages that target the .NET Platform. SkinCrafter is assigned for experienced developers as well as for pioneers in skinning.
- With SkinCrafter you’ll get the power to create completely customized interface implementing smooth and easy skinning for all standard Windows controls.
- You can seamlessly integrate the component into the architecture of your end-user application.
- All registered users are entitled to free technical support and free minor versions upgrades.
We rescue when you are pressed for time
SkinCrafter can be characterized as advanced skinning developer tool providing the following user services:
- SkinCrafter helps to create highly customizable GUI for both Win32 platform and Microsoft.Net Framework.
- SkinCrafter enables everyone to easily assemble a skin with SkinBuilder application.
Owing to SkinBuilder capabilities professionally designed and ready-to-use Skin Sets are very flexible in assembling. - SkinCrafter is intended to be integratable in your end-user application.
- SkinCrafter has a comprehensive help file with overall functionality descriptions.
- SkinCrafter provides an ability to skin all Windows controls that enables you to optionally adjust every aspect of your skin.
- SkinCrafter is a robust and perspective solution for managers.
Unique look of your application GUI is an efficient step to building your brand identity. - SkinCrafter promotes ability to make 100% guaranteed profit for designers and artists offering to earn money with their drawing skills.
- SkinCrafter offers a great number of ready-to-use professional skin sets. Our Skin Gallery is constantly updated with freshly-designed skins.
- SkinCrafter is a high-quality software (view our awards) with professional technical support.
- You are welcome to SkinCrafter forum where all problems, suggestions and comments concerning developer needs can be discussed.
It offers in-depth resources, feedback and advisory support and provides consultancy.
SkinCrafter supports
SkinCrafter supports the following programming languages for both Win32 platform and Microsoft .NET Framework environments.
Borland C++ Builder, CA Visual Objects, Borland C++Builder, Sybase PowerBuilder,
The Euphoria Programming Language and etc.
and other languages that target the .NET Platform.
Euphoria wrapper is available here
Programmers are used to creating projects with ActiveX components. But nowadays we have a worthy up-to-date alternative like Microsoft .NET Framework with possibility to create .Net Framework components. That’s why SkinCrafter library is available as Active X and .Net.
SkinCrafter DLL is easily integratable module to add skinning support to your project. Dll version of SkinCrafter doesn’t require registration as COM library. That gives you some advantages.For instance you may distribute your application simply via coping or run it directly from cd. This easy to use dll is a full-featured SkinCrafter component
SkinCrafter ActiveX as well as SkinCrafter.Net library allows developers to create applications that users can easily skin. With COM objects support for Win32 languages SkinCrafter increases the value of applications by giving them a modern look and feel. SkinCrafter.Net is an optimal GUI skinning solution for any Microsoft .NET Framework projects. It allows you to create customized interface for your .NET application implementing smooth and easy skinning for all standard Windows controls.

Supported controls list:
- Title bar
- The borders of the window
- MDI applications
- Push buttons
- Radio buttons
- Check boxes
- Push-like checkboxes and radio button
- Scrollbar
- Menu bar
- Toolbar
- Tabs
- Progress bar
- Status bar
- Resize grip
- Listboxes
- ListView
- TreeView
- Dropdown/ combo list box
- Groupbox
- Headerbar
- DateTime Picker
- MonthCalendar
- Standard Common Windows Dialogs (Open File, Save File, Browse for Folder)
Whatever language you would choose application stays skinable smoothly and without putting forth great efforts. Look at an example how easy it is to integrate SkinCrafter library into Microsoft Visual Basic application:
‘declaring SkinCrafter object
Private SkinOb As New SKINCRAFTERLib.SCSkin
‘appling a licence information
‘telling engine what programming lang you use, 2 — is VB
SkinOb.DefineLanguage 2
‘Initialize a skinning engine
SkinOb.InitDecoration 1
‘Load skin into memory
SkinOb.LoadSkinFromFile «D:\\Skin.skf»
‘turn on skinning
Other examples for different programming languages might be found in SkinCrafter help file.
Supported operational systems list includes Microsoft Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows Millenium,
Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows 2003 server.
SkinCrafter is an overwhelming library which allows changing visual appearance and behavior of your application with use of the following constituents:
- SkinBuilder is a visual skin assembling tool
- Demos are sample applications with well designed skins applied. Demos are specially constructed models that show you how controls look like when different skins are applied.
- Sample Projects are meant to give examples of SkinCrafter integration in most of supported development environments (list of programming languages is described above).
- SkinCrafter help and SkinBuilder manual are available in both online and offline modes. They contain detailed instructions for SkinCrafter and SkinBuilder software which covers all aspects of control skinning.