Slider component can be easily customized with simple SkinBuilder tools and graphics prepared beforehand.
Don't forget to check the appropriate checkbox and the "+" sign clicked in front of "Slider Controls" item in "Default Controls".
A slider skin consists of four images in "Normal" state (see also "Control states") and of three images in all the rest 4 control states: Highlighted, Pressed, Disabled, Focused.
The following attributes are available for skinning in"Properties pane":
- Thumb - a slider handle
- Line – a slider tray
- Background - an image to fill a background of the control, leave it empty if you want to use a dialog form background
- Selection – a part of the selected tray that enables you to manipulate with selected fragment. Usually this property is appropriate in music and video editors
For the most part tray remains the same, and it is a good case to use "Fill all states" option, just set a proper image for any state, select it and press Ctrl+W (or select "Fill all states" from Edit menu).
As we've just seen, in order to skin a Slider component we can assign new graphics to its skin properties. Apparently, all you have to do is to import pre-built graphics in "Properties pane".
You need to specify Margins and Drawing mode available in "Options pane" for all imported images.
See what you should get after skinning completion: